Client Feedback: Wild Wonders

Guests of Brett’s recently embarked on a journey that seamlessly blended the wild beauty of Kenya and Tanzania, they ventured from the iconic Masai Mara to the legendary Serengeti. Their adventure began with the timeless charm of Elsa’s Kopje, perched above the sweeping plains, before moving to the heart of the Mara at Leopard Hill Camp. Surrounded by nature’s grandeur at Sentinel Mara Camp, they witnessed the raw beauty of the savannah. The journey culminated at Nyikani Kogatende Migration Camp, where they experienced the awe-inspiring Great Migration—a true highlight of their safari odyssey. Here is their feedback:

Hi Brett,

Thanks for your email and apologies for the delay we immediately got back to work after arriving from the trip.

We hope your experience in the Amazon was fantastic, it’s one of the trips I’d love to do (Pedro). Shelisa doesn’t like it so much because of the many exotic animals lol

The Safari was wonderful :D… we had a good mix between Elsa’s which was lovely and Leopard hill, quite exclusive, but Shelisa loved Sentinel Mara, it was right into the bush and the guides were of very good quality. Serengueti was also awesome with the great migration, we felt like we’re migrating with the wildebeasts, between them 😊. We also had the luck to see zebras and wildebeasts crossing the river, with crocodile attacks (3 fatalities). Here are some pictures just to give you an idea (“some” but far from the total lol – wetransfer). The last camp was not as good as the others but it was okay, there were more people and customer care was not that dedicated, but everything went well.

Another detail that has a real and enormous impact on safaris are the guides who accompany us, their quality makes the experience much richer. On this one we felt we were lucky 😊

We thought it was a good idea to experience so many camps in such different areas, because we got to know some of the different ecosystems in Kenya and Tanzania better. But on a future safari, we’ll stick to 1 to 2 camps, because a lot of time is wasted traveling and flying between camps. Some trips even had 2 stopovers and the flights were usually delayed.

Perhaps on a future safari it would be interesting to experience less common countries such as Zambia, Zimbabwe, Uganda…

Thank you very much and we look forward to our next trip.

Best regards,

Pedro, Shelisa