Southern Africa Safaris star in these feedback letters
Camp Okuti’s deck
Natasha received two sets of feedback from guests returning from their Southern Africa Safaris.
Tony visited the Okavango Delta and stayed at Camp Okuti in the Moremi Game Reserve before going to Shinde Camp and Kanana Camp in the main Delta area.
Hi Natasha,
Yes I have safely returned, it was wonderful. My body has come back home but my head is still out there watching all the animals., especially the leopards. The camps were fantastic and all the staff welcomed me back home because this was my third visit to all three camps and I feel so at home when I am out there.
I want to thank you again for your help in booking my trip to paradise. You have been a star.
Hope the weather in Cape Town is good. I’ll be in contact soon, I’m back to work tomorrow, but I don’t mind if it helps to finance my next trip to paradise.
Kind Regards,
Kanana Camp at sunset
David and Maureen visited Zimbabwe. After visiting the magnificent Victoria Falls, they headed to Hwange National Park where they stayed at the lovely Somalisa Camp. They then flew to Mana Pools National Park where they stayed at 2 camps in order to get the best of what Mana Pools has to offer. They stayed at the Zambezi Lifestyles Camp and the Kanga Bush Camp, where they had what sounds like the sighting of a lifetime!
Somalisa Camp, Hwange National Park.
Hi Natasha,
Just a quick email to first of all wish you a very Happy Christmas, and thank you for all the help you have given us in the past year.
With regard to the holiday itself, we enjoyed it immensely. We saw wild dogs both at Zambezi Lifestyle Camp – on a walking safari, and at Kanga.
At Kanga we were treated to an incredible event. While sitting at dinner, in front of the waterhole, we witnessed three separate ‘kills’ of impala by wild dogs. The first impala was strangled/drowned in the middle of the waterhole, a minute later the second impala was killed by a number of dogs on the far side of the waterhole, and almost immediately thereafter, some 20 – 30 metres to our left, the third impala was killed by a single dog. At that point the rest of the dog pack converged, and began fighting over it, literally tearing it to pieces.
Then a hyena rushed in – the dogs retreated about 20 metres, but no sooner had the hyena begun to attack the dead impala than three lions appeared from nowhere, chased the hyena and the dogs away, and dragged the remains under the verandah of Tent No.2. (We were in Tent No. 1) The lions stayed there for half of the night, scaring the American couple staying there witless!
The staff at Kanga said that although they had seen many kills, they had never seen them in that sequence.