Kambaku River Sands and Kapama Karula, a Kruger Honeymoon.
Jako booked Jennifer and John’s Kruger honeymoon. They started their honeymoon in Cape Town at the beautiful Villa Zest, then headed to the Kruger’s Timbavati to stay at Kambaku River Sands, then to Kapama’s Karula. After the bush they flew to Mauritius for some beach relaxation. Unfortunately they were not happy with the standards at the hotel,Le Mauricia, and we have taken steps to not the hotel or the ground handler that recommended this property. In spite of this they still enjoyed the tropical island visit.
Jennifer and John sharing the deck with some inquisitive elephants!
Hi Jako,
I was meaning to send you a note. Our honeymoon was wonderful! We can’t thank you enough for helping us with everything. I have to say that the hotels; Villa Zest, Kambaku River Sands and Kapama Karula were AMAZING! All the staff were super friendly and definitely made our time there enjoyable.
John & Jennifer snapping a selfie at an epic lion kill sighting!
We were however disappointed with the accommodations in Mauritius. The staff were friendly but we did not like the room. From the moment we walked in, it felt old, dark and dingy. Let’s put it this way, someone squished a moth in the bathroom and left it on the wall. It was there for the entire time of our stay and the cleaning staff did not clean it. There were only two options for meals (with sandwiches at the bar in between the meals). The food at the lunch buffet was basically the same food almost every day. It would have been nicer if there was more variety at the buffet and more variety of restaurants. All in all, we made the best of it and had a nice time in Mauritius.
This is one of the busiest time for me at work L but I am definitely planning to leave feedback on Tripadvisor for you and the hotels we visited. I just haven’t gotten a chance to go and do that yet.
All the best,
A beautiful room at Kambaku River SandsThe deck at the Kambaku River Sands LodgePerfect Honeymoon setting at Kapama KarulaKapama Karula’s inviting bath!