Liselle sent her guests, Jenny & Kathryn Lee, on a trip to the luxurious tented camp Tanda Tula in the Timbavati Game Reserve, Kruger. Jenny shared the following guest feedback:
“Hi Liselle,
Thank you for your interest in our trip!
Actually I have stayed on in Jo’burg to spend some extra time with my daughter who is living here.
Tanda Tula was really lovely and everyone was very welcoming and friendly!!! The tents along the dry riverbed are very comfortable and private. Our ranger was informative and interesting and we had some lovely animal sightings……the big five of course as well as a lot of plains game!!!
I always love sitting close to a herd of elephants and we did that several times and watched the babies antics. Kate, my younger daughter who was with me, took all the photos so I don’t have any yet unfortunately.
I think I’ll now have to wait until our Namibian trip for my next wildlife fix!!!!!
Thank you for doing all the bookings for us…..everything worked very well!!!!
Kind regards