
A wildlife goldmine in the Greater Kruger Park – Client feedback by Liselle Raath

Liselle’s guests have reported back after their tailor-made safari in the Sabi Sand and Timbavati Reserves in the Greater Kruger Park area of South Africa. They visited Simbambili Game Lodge and Tanda Tula Safari Camp, enjoyed special treatment from the staff and admired a wild array of animals. Here’s what they had to say:

“Hi Liselle,

Sorry for the delayed response–just getting back into the swing of things after our trip.  The safari was incredible!!!  the people/staff at Tanda Tula and Simbambili were very kind and accommodating and our trackers were incredibly knowledgeable and awesome!!! Though different, the accommodations at both camps were perfect, and the chefs were fantastic as well. Both camps also orchestrated for us to have a private dinner–surprising us with flowers, candles, and champagne!!

We saw a lot of animals, every day!!! We were able to see elephant herds, giraffes, rhinos, hippos, wild dogs, warthogs, buffalo, kudu, steenbok, antelope, baboons, monkeys. On several occasions, we saw a mother lion with her cubs, and some male lions tracking, killing, and eating a buffalo. We also saw a pair of leopards killing an impala, and then also mating the following day. At each camp, the tracker took us on a short hike through the bush to get a closer look at some tracks, plants and trees, and smaller insects and animals.

I really liked visiting two different game reserves and getting a different feel from both. Although we saw a lot of the same animals, the terrain was a bit different.​ Both places were fantastic though. I have included some pictures from Simbambili and Tanda Tula.

Thank you so much for planning such a great trip for us!!! It was a wonderful experience and we’re telling everyone and anyone we know that they must go as well!!


Erin and Brad”

Images courtesy of Erin and Brad Franklin.

A romantic setting in the bedroom at Simbambili Game Lodge
Bath at Simbambili
The bath tub at Simbambili was arranged for relaxation
Pool at Simbambili
Simbambili Game Lodge offers a private plunge pool on individual lodge decks
Sunset in the Greater Kruger
A beautiful capture of the orange sunset in the Greater Kruger region
Tanda Tula Safari Camp
The tent exterior at Tanda Tula Safari Camp in the Timbavati
Dining at Tanda Tula
Private dining on the deck was arranged for Brad and Erin at Tanda Tula
Lion Cubs Great Kruger
Brad and Erin saw a variety of big game, including the special sighting of mother cat and cub
Rhino Greater Kruger
A lazy white rhino resting in the dry river bed in the Greater Kruger region
Remarkable game viewing included a leopard killing an impala and hoisting it to the safety of a tree