Botswana and Zambia Safari Client Review – by Brett Thomson

We recently had some guests travel to Botswana and Zambia on an incredible safari. They visited Duba Plains, Tubu Tree Camp, Royal Livingstone Hotel, Old Mondoro and Chamilandu Camp:

“Hi Brett,

We just got back to Boston. We had an incredible trip, each camp was different and wonderful but Chamilandu was our favorite. It worked out really well that it was the last stop and we had 4 nights. We saw lots of lion, leopard, elephant and all of the general game including an aardvark at old Mondoro. Birding was great everywhere.

Let me know when is convenient to talk and I can give you more feedback.



Read all about their incredible itinerary here

Red lechwe seen in the Okavango Delta
Red lechwe seen in the Okavango Delta


A herd of buffalo seen from the light air charter plane
A herd of buffalo seen from the light air charter plane


A male hippo displays his incredible strength and size
A male hippo displays his incredible strength and size


Lion cubs seen on safari in the South Luangwa
Lion cubs seen on safari in the South Luangwa