nThambo & Umkumbe Client Feedback – by Natasha Allan

Natasha recently arranged a safari for some guests through the private reserves of the Kruger Park. Read their feedback below.

Hi Natasha,

Thanks for your follow-up note.  We had a marvelous time on the safari (the week in Capetown was great as well as it has really grown and become so upscale since I was there in the 70’s).  We enjoyed both lodges but were really pleased with the nThambo Tree Camp facility as it was small and cozy with not many people.  The couple who run it do a fabulous job.  The food was very well prepared and tasty and the tree lodge gave the feeling of camping in the wild.  The guide was very dedicated, really knew his animals, and was not hesitant to drive right up to where the animals were and follow them.  We saw the big 5 and much more, including seeing two different pride of lions and several leopards who we followed as they hunted.

Umkumbe Safari Lodge was also a very good experience with the guide being very knowledgeable and dedicated to finding the animals for us.  Wasn’t as enamored with their cabins as with the tree lodge.  Haven’t gotten around to dealing with our pictures yet but when I do, I’ll a couple of good ones for your collection.You chose well for us.



Game drive at nThambo Tree Camp
Game drive at nThambo Tree Camp


nThambo Tree Camp chalets
nThambo Tree Camp chalets


On game drive at Umkumbe Safari Lodge
On game drive at Umkumbe Safari Lodge


The pool at Umkumbe Safari Lodge
The pool at Umkumbe Safari Lodge